Heart to Heart International was started in 1992 with the vision of Dr. Gary Morsch and Kansas City Rotary Club members who were on a mission to deliver medication after the Chernobyl disaster in Russia. This one-time airlift from the heart of the United States to the heart of Russia was the beginning of the non-profit, Heart to Heart International.
PowrServ launched in 2015 as a program of Heart to Heart International with inspiration from Dr. Gary Morsch’s book “The Power of Serving Others”
RegaloRx began operation in 2019 and is affiliated with Heart to Heart International (HHI), a global humanitarian organization based in Lenexa, KS. Regalo’s focus is on patients in the U.S. who are financially unable to access life-changing medicines and devices. Working with manufacturers, Regalo can administer Patient Assistance Programs utilizing state of the art technology and superior patient services including patient counselors and a direct-to-patient pharmacy.
A logo designed for a Heart to Heart Internationa initiative
for helping kids in Cuba.
The Corporate Heart – A stand-alone icon for
Heart to Heart International’s corporate responsibility program.
25th Anniversary Logo for Heart to Heart International